Wireframes and prototypes I have created

Akanksha Hirokawa
3 min readSep 29, 2019

To be perfectly honest, the number of wireframes and prototypes I have created are limited by the number of design projects my current organisation gets.

I have worked with Axure, InVision and Balsamiq. To add to that I have knowledge of HTML and CSS. A few of the projects I have worked on are:

  1. North Queensland Bulk Ports (NQBP)

NQBP were looking to update their IA and website design. After a series of remote IA design and website testing activities, we handed them a wireframe (done in Axure) of their new homepage:

They have since implemented it:

North Queensland Bulk Ports homepage

2. UQ Executive Education

UQ had asked us to conduct some research into what would make the Executive Education section of UQ’s B-school as enticing as their counterparts in top schools around the world.

The user research culminated in us having to create wireframes of what business owners and entrepreneurs look for in their website.

UQ Executive Education homepage wireframe
UQ Executive Education landing pages on mobile

3. Theme Picker

Prior to working in my current organisation, I did a CEED internship on a scholarship with an app creation company called Liquid State. They had tasked me with creating, designing, protopying and testing in Bootstrap and InVision a ‘Theme Picker’ that would allow users to customise the interfaces of the apps that they downloaded from Liquid State. Since I was building the prototype directly in Bootstrap, they could integrate it into their systems (which used Bootstrap as their framework) as soon as there was a final iteration tested and ready.

I tested the Theme Editor tool in InVision with varying user scenarios and iterated on the designs several times before building it in Bootstrap.

The final design looked like this (apologies for the blurriness):

Step 1: Choosing a theme
Step 2: Styling common elements in the app
Step 3: Customising the app’s login screen
Step 4: Customising the Library screen

Users could change colours, fonts and upload pictures to the app if they chose to. The changes were made before they downloaded the app, and would be reflected in the app once downloaded.



Akanksha Hirokawa

I’m a UX designer based in Melbourne, Australia.